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STU - G.O's/Proceedings . /

GO/Proc. Name
[pdf] QLEP to Identify the best practices in schools RC.102.pdf
[pdf] Providing Subject Teachers to Needy High Schools RC.7232 Dt.14-11-13.pdf
[pdf] Providing Subject Teachers to the needy Schools.pdf
[pdf] Providing of MDM to the Children Studying in NCLP Schools Vide GO.427 Dt.8-8-12.PDF
[pdf] Providing of Subject Teachers in needy Schls on Work Adjustment RC.25 Dt.20-10-14.pdf
[pdf] Preservation of ELs fr SSC,Inter (APOSS)Public Exams duty April_May 2013 Rc.2038 Dt.9-12-13.pdf
[pdf] Preservation of ELs for SSC Adv Supplemntry Exams Duty RC.132 Dt.30-5-13.pdf
[pdf] Paymnt of May mnth Salary 2d St Govt Emps&Pensns on 24-5-14 GO.78 Dt.7-4-14.pdf
[pdf] Performance Indicators for Teachers&PINDICS-Formats RC.25 Dt.23-8-14.pdf
[pdf] Permisn 2muslim Emps During Ramzan 2leave Offices@4pm Memo.751 Dt.5-7-13.pdf
[pdf] Permisn to DTA 2pay 13Andhra Dists Salaries,Claims of DDOs GO.3529 Dt.27-9-13.PDF
[pdf] Paymnt of Encashmnt of EL,HPL,GIS by 24-5-14 fr Emplys retiring on 31-5-14 GO.99 Dt.8-5-14.pdf
[pdf] Payment of different kind of Arrears 2Aided Secondry Schls Staff Memo.21840.pdf
[pdf] Part Time Instructors for Art,Health,Phy Edu in UP&HS-Guidelines RC.26 Dt.28-8-12.pdf
[pdf] Pay Protectn&CarryForwrd of Leave of LB Emplys apointd thruAPPSC GO.45,GO.46 Dt.19-2-14.pdf
[pdf] Payment of Salaries & Pensions on 26-7-14 in view of Ramzan GO.2248 Dt.26-7-14.pdf
[pdf] Payment of Salaries to 10,917 Candts Recrtd in DSC-2012 Rc.113, Dt.1-7-13.pdf
[pdf] Permission 2fill 3,025 vacant posts thru Direct Recruitment GO.262 Dt.30-9-13.PDF
[pdf] Permission Orders for Revisoin Of Text Books 2012-13 GO.62 Dt.24-7-12.PDF
[pdf] Pre-Matric Scholrshps to IX,X BC Students frm 2013-14 GO.22 Dt.4-10-13.PDF
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