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GO/Proc. Name
[pdf] DA_35.952%_GO_No.25_Dt.02.02.2012.pdf
[pdf] DDO_Covering_letter_for_subs_registration-S5.pdf
[pdf] DDOs should submit Emplys Data Online for Health Cards GO.334 Dt.13-12-13.PDF
[pdf] DR(63.344 pc) to Pensioners w.e.f 1-7-13 GO.296 Dt.28-10-13.pdf
[pdf] DSC-2008 SA,PET,LP Guidlines Issued GO.MS.No.61.pdf
[pdf] DSE is requestd to Examine the issue of Encashmnt of HPL to PR Tchrs Memo.7380.pdf
[pdf] DSE instructions to DEOs on DSC-2012 tchrs Salaries RC.6921 Dt.1-3-13.pdf
[pdf] DSE report to Govt on Encashment of HPL to Panchayat Raj Teachers RC.118.pdf
[pdf] DSE-2008 appointment Orders Issued dt 06.01.2011.pdf
[jpg] DSE_PROMOTION_GUIDLINES_Dt.18.01.12.jpg
[pdf] DSE asked Particulars of Non-Relieving tchrs of May2013 RC.1485 Dt.22-5-14.pdf
[pdf] DSC-2018 Filling up unfilled vacancies .pdf
[pdf] DSC-2008 SGT Guideline issued, GO.Ms.No.62 dt.29.10.2010.pdf
[pdf] DSC-2012 Rules GO.4 Dt.09.01.2012.PDF
[pdf] DSC-2012 Teacher Recruitment Rules & Guidelines GO.91 Dt.3-11-12.pdf
[pdf] DSC-2013 Notification.pdf
[pdf] DA.GO.MS.NO.51-Dt.31.07.2021.pdf
[pdf] APPSC-EOT-141-Results-Notifctn no.3,2015-Nov-2014 session.pdf
[pdf] A Committee constituted to form EHS-Steering Committee GO.300 Dt.24-1-14.pdf
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